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Energetics of Money

Birthing The Light Economy

Join us on a yearlong journey of transforming your relationship with money

Palm Trees

Energetics of Money

For embodied examples of the Emerging Economy. Step into abundance, a healthy and honest relationship with money, and a vibrational alignment with what is wanted to be created through you

✨ The Twinkle Field ✨

Our Awareness-Based Technology supporting in the moment resolution, completion, and living a generative and re-generative life!

Birthing the Emerging Economy

Energetics of Money is a collective of human beings passionate about creating the most good for the most number of people


We ask ourselves, "what can we do through me?" and "what is it that I can't not do in this lifetime?"


We jokingly call ourselves a lone wolf pack.


Many of us have outgrown the story for the life we were supposed to live and have ventured out into the unknown to discover what we feel most called to bring into being.


Through both healing and awakening journeys, we have come to know deeper truths about reality and ways of being that want to come online for humanity in this time.


By coming together, we are supporting, catalyzing, and witnessing each other in flourishing most fully in our individual expression of the beauty we all are and always have been

Inspiration for Energetics of Money

During the first Light in Action cohort, we had several people who struggled to meet basic financial needs. We had a participant who had her electricity shut off while she struggled to pay rent. Another participant was in a war zone. Another participant self-assessed at 2% financial well-being.

We decided to convene a weekly Energetics of Money call on Wednesday mornings to work through challenges in relationship with money at the root, in the way we relate to and orient to money as an entity, energy, and consciousness of its own volition.


The results are extraordinary


We discovered a profound truth

Scarcity and not enoughness are a lie


Getting to the root of these lies and liberating them from our bodies and beings allows us to open up to the spacesless timless boundlessness we all are.


From emptiness and not knowing, we witnessed individuals in our cohort emege a new relationship with money, purpose, and reality from pure possibility and not knowing.


The participant who had her power shut off is now flourishing financially, making over $8,000 a month doing what she loves in every moment. This is one of several success stories.


Our deeply felt sense is this Energetics of Money offering is not for people facing financial hardship, but for anyone who feels called to be an embodied example of the Emerging Economy.

What Energetics of Money Makes Possible

Our Vision is to support 100 people realizing greater than 100% financial well-being.
This community is here to support you in accessing, cultivating, and actualizing your innate gifts and soul purpose in the world.
We are here to support you in bringing awareness to your relationship with money, your passions, your life's calling, and what your most inspired to bring into the world in service of collective flourishing and collective awakening.

Who This is For

Our Collective is filled with people who are pursuing entrepreneurship as a spiritual path.
Energetics of Money is for you if:
1. You have a project / soul's calling you're called to bring into the world
2. You know there is a possibility to embody your potential and freedom while earning a livelihood and sharing your gifts to create a more beautiful and loving world
3. You are exploring your relationship with money
4. You are curious about manifestation and how to bring your vision into reality
5. You have dreams for a better world to live in, for all of us to enjoy now and for generations to come
6. You are feeling alone in your exploration of your innate gifts and want to join a community of others who are in the same exploration
7. You feel like you have outgrown your life, career, and job and are wondering what is next for you
8. You are wondering what is your gift and how you should spend your time and want to be around others who are having a similar experience
9. You are feeling a major shift happening to you, as you, and want support expressing and feeling through this transition

Facilitation Team

Where the Passion Begins

Forrest Wilson

Founder and Facilitator

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Energetics of Money!!


Together, we are birthing a new economy. An economy of empowerment with a collective supporting the flourishing and organic unfolding of each individual consciousness in our ecosystem.

We are passionate about creating the most good for the most number of people, having fun, and making a lot of money.

The more of us who realize financial freedom and abundance, our natural state, the more we can empower others to realize their potential and innate gifts as well.

We see a world where we get more power by empowering others.

Our Emerging Ecosystem supports your financial empowerment as you bring your most essential gifts into the world to be seen and celebrated by as many people as possible.


We are honored and thrilled to have you here


With love and support,



Vision For Our Future

There's more to come!

In the next 6-12 months, we intend to have a DAO up and running, supporting our collective and projects in our ecosystem


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