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Apply to Light in Action

Winter 2023 Batch

Light in Action is accepting applications from startups for the Winter 2023 funding cycle. It will take place from January–March 2023.

The batch will be remote with optional in-person components depending on the pandemic.

  1. If you want to apply, please submit your application online by 8 pm PT on September 12. Startups that submit early have a small advantage because we have more time to read their applications. And you can submit after the deadline - though keep in mind that if you apply late, you may not hear back from us with a decision for several weeks, January 19 at the latest.

  2. You must have at least 10% equity in the startup to be considered a founder by Light in Action. Only founders can come to interviews if invited or attend batch events if accepted.

  3. We will be inviting teams to talk to us on a rolling basis. November 18 is the latest day you'll know by if you applied by the deadline. If you apply after the deadline, you'll hear back by January 19.

  4. Interviews will be held either in late October, November, or early December.

  5. This batch of Light in Action will be remote due to COVID-19. It will be the same as every other batch - office hours, batch events, Demo Day - is remote.

  6. During the 3 month cycle we invite speakers every week to talk about their startup and what they learned.

  7. Every week or two, you'll have group office hours, where you'll talk with 5-8 companies and your YC partners for an hour. These group office hours are a chance to get to know companies in your batch that are going through similar things and to help each other.

  8. During and after the 3 months we introduce startups individually to people who could help them. The founders of other YC-funded companies tend to be especially helpful. Today the YC alumni network is probably the most powerful network in the startup world.

  9. About 11 weeks in, we organize an event called Demo Day at which the startups present to a carefully selected, invite-only audience.

  10. Light in Action doesn't really end after 3 months; only the talks do. We continue to give advice and make introductions as long as our startups need — and so does the informal network of YC-funded companies.

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